Wednesday March 21st CHATTERS, Social group at El Jardin (The Garden) behind Euromarina) Los Alcazares. 11am. Come along and make new friends, have coffee and chat, enjoy the quiz. All welcome.
Tues 27th Mar Auction at La Zona. Turn your unwanted goods into cash. No furniture, many household and useful items. Tel 968 173 842. Viewing 12 until Auction starting 2pm.Tel: 968 173 842.
Tues April 3 Annual General Meeting, all volunteers @ 11.45 upstairs at The Arches, Los Narejos
Tuesday April 10th. Charity Table top sales at La Zona,Bar in Los Narejos. books, bric a brac, jewellery, cards. clothes etc. 10am-2pm. Food and drinks available..
Wednesday April 18th CHATTERS social group at El Jardin (The Garden) behind Euromarina in Los Alcazares from 11am. Come along and make new friends. Welcome
Thursday April 19th. Auction of promises at Novo Carthago (Paddy Singh’s) in Los Urrutias. 7.30 start. Bid for builders, decorators, hairdressers, painters, taxi’s, cleaners etc.
Restaurant and Bar snacks available. To reserve table in restaurant tel: 968 134 777, or to make a pledge Tel. 968 134 978.
Friday April 20th Fun Quiz at La Vereda Restaurant in Sucina 3€ to enter, nibbles, prizes etc. Call Heather on 968 371 080.
Thursday May 3rd Spanish Lunch at Ruf Mari in Los Urrutias. 3 courses + glass wine, + raffle ticket 12€, accompanied by Singer/guitarist, Nick Barker. Ticket only 968 134 978..
Tuesday May 8th. Charity Table Top at La Zona, Bar in Los Narejos. Books, Cards, Bric a brac, clothes etc.
Thursday May 10th. Fashion Show and open morning at SOS Boutique in Los Alcazares (Mercadona Sq.). Details Celia on 968 574 576
Wednesday 16th May. CHATTERS Social Group at El Jardin (see above)
May 24-26 Mary Leishman Foundation Golfing weekend and Dinner Dance. Details shortly in local media.
Sunday June 3, back by popular demand. ROCKING IN RODA. Home cooked barbecue, live artists. Strictly ticket only, . See HAH volunteers or Tel Celia on 968 574 576.
June 19th & 20th The Medal winning, Canterbury Christ Church Big Band will be playing 2 venues for HAH. Fantastic high standard Jazz, Swing, Latin and Funk performed by Students and local musicians from Canterbury in the UK. Details to follow shortly
Second-hand goods to buy or sell. Clothes, bric a brac, books, furniture etc.10.1pm, Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat. at Brenda’s Estrella De Mar, Los Urrutias.Can collect/del. 648 735 540.
2nd hand book sale, every Wednesday at La Zona Bar, Los Narejos (weather permitting.
For more information, or to become a valued HAH volunteer, visit our website on, or email
HAH is sponsored for 2012 by Coachtrips SL (David’s)