

Wednesday 21 July 2010


Bullfighting and the running of the bulls are something deeply rooted in Spain, It is obviously not everyones cuppa tea, but if I am going to write a blog on what to do in and around the area, then if we have flamenco we have Bull running. I hope this entry does not offend anyone.

In Spanish it is called ENCIERRO, and has been a tradition in Spain since the 14th Century, but when Hemmingway attended an ENCIERRO in Pamplona in 1920's and was so overwelmed that he wrote "The sun also rises" (which launched his career) This put Pamplona Bull running on the map.

The bulls are let loose on the streets and men run in front of them to show their bravado, quite often a few of the men get gourged or trampled on.

The most famous one is held in Pamplona, and you can see a video below.

Throughout Murcia various ENCIERROS take place on a much smaller scale to the one in Pamplona.

The town of Blanca, holds their ENCIERRO on the 13th and 14th of August 2010 from 12 o´clock .

Blanca is located here:
http://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=es&geocode=&q=Blanca,+Murcia&sll=41.00624,0.02209&sspn=8.402994,19.665527&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Blanca,+Murcia,+Regi%C3%B3n+de+Murcia&ll=37.851001,-0.648193&spn=1.099521,2.458191&z=9, approx 40 minutes from La Torre Golf Resort, 32 minutes from El Valle Golf Resort

Cehegin hold ENCIERROS too on the 6th, 7th and 8th of August, from 9.15am,
Also on the evenings of the 7th and 8th there are bullfights from 7pm to 9.30pm, information to reserve tickets and prices for the bullfights are on the poster below, click to enlarge (sol is in the sun, sombra is in the shade)

Cehegin is located here:
http://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=es&geocode=&q=Ceheg%C3%ADn&sll=40.396764,-3.713379&sspn=8.480844,19.665527&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Ceheg%C3%ADn,+Murcia,+Regi%C3%B3n+de+Murcia&ll=37.926868,-1.428223&spn=1.098389,2.458191&z=9 and will probably take about an hour to get there.

In Murcia city at the bullring there are bullfights on from the 9th to the 19th of September, starting at 6.30pm, booking information and location can be found here

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